November 27, 2003


Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
For those outside of our shores, today is the day when all of the US celebrates the Pilgrims and the local Indians getting together to make peace over a meal. Methinks the peacepipe might have been handed around too! All across the country, people join their families to eat turkey and watch the big game on TV. Some even use it as an excuse to drink too much.
I have celebrated Thanksgiving in my own way since 1990. I was enjoying my first visit to Baltimore and woke up on Thanksgiving morning without any idea what it was about. While I waited for my hosts to get up, I turned on the TV and was given cause to celebrate myself. What had I seen? A news item telling of the resignation of Maggie Thatcher. She may well have done me plenty of good during her reign and in its aftermath, but I always hated the bitch!
People of the USA, give thanks for the Indians having some extra food, a little wacky-baccy in their pipes and the decency to share it.
People of the UK, give thanks for the end of a totalitarian regime. Things may not have improved very quickly but at least you don't have to look at her ugly mug every day!

Posted by boog at 03:41 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 23, 2003


If you are wondering why things have been so quiet on the blog lately, it is because I have been spending a fair amount of time in the woods hunting. The weather and the deer have not been cooperative so far but my fingers are crossed for next weekend. If you are wondering why the background color of this entry is such a bright one it is because during gun hunting season in Wisconsin, all hunters have to wear this color covering at least 50% of their body. This is for safety to prevent being shot! At this time of year, it would be foolhardy, in the extreme, to venture out in the countryside without wearing this color!
Posted by boog at 01:25 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 11, 2003


I have been playing with a Calendar that is written in PHP and is free to use on any site. I was looking for one for a client's site and like this one so enough that I think I'll be adding it to this site, if I can come up with a good enough reason!

Unfortunately, the code seems to have been written in a very poor manner. The PHP is pretty good but the HTML sucks! Due to this I have had to go through it line by line and redo it all myself. For this reason I'll not be including a link to the originating source during the long hours spent fixing it, in order to further simplify the code.
There is still much tinkering to do but I'll put up a version when this monumental task is completed!
I'd be interested in your thoughts when all is done............

Posted by boog at 09:35 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 04, 2003

Re: Missing a tale?

I am sorry to say that certain situations have come to light that make the republication of the Fairy Tale inevitable. A certain person, having split up with another certain person, found the biggest, strongest looking individual she could and told him that her ex had beat the s**t out of her when they split. A total and complete lie aimed at having her ex beaten to a pulp. Thankfully this has not and will not happen because the truth has fought its way to the front yet again.

'A', sorry if this causes you any hassle. My advice? Kick her scrawny ass out in to the snow and thoroughly clean your boots afterwards! This is a nice town populated by decent people and we don't need a lying, scheming, disease-ridden piece of s**t like that around here! The story is back up and will stay that way!

Read the Tale and then check out what Robin has to say on her site!

All bets are officially off!

Posted by boog at 12:52 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack